Question types

Multiple Choice

Select a single answer from a list of possible choices.

Multiple Choice - Radio

You can also have Multiple Choice questions with more than one answer by setting the option in the question edit mode:

Multiple Choice Grid

The grid format of the Multiple Choice question type.

Multiple Choice Grid - Radio

You can also have Multiple Choice Grid questions with multiple answers by setting the option in the question edit mode:



Select a single answer from a dropdown list of possible choices.

Dropdown Grid

The grid format of the Dropdown question type.

Yes / No

Choose from two basic options: Yes or No.

Net Promoter® Score

Select an answer based on your opinion/recommendation of a product or company. 

Net Promoter Score

Text Field

Write a potentially lengthy text response, such as a name, email, or longer sentences.

Text Field Grid

The grid format of the Text Field question type.

Comment Box

Write a longer multi-line or essay response in a large text box.

Rating Scale

Select an answer based on a predefined scale of choices, usually weighted across two opposite concepts such as Agree-to-Disagree.

Rating Scale Matrix

The grid format of the Rating Scale question type.


Choose an order or rank for a list of options.

Percentage / Sum

Enter a set of values of a variety of types which meet a specified equality constraint.

File Upload (Pro)

Allow respondents to upload files directly into the survey.