Managing email campaigns

In the Email Campaign section, under the Distribute menu item you can configure email campaigns and distribute your survey to a predefined list of recipients with a customizable set of data associated with them.

Each Email Campaign must be populated with a list of emails either uploaded via Comma Separated Value (CSV) or by entering a list of emails manually.

  • Example CSV (you may add any columns you want)
  • Example columns:
    email, surname, given_name, preferred_name

Using uploaded data

You can pipe any of the information you uploaded to your campaign using the "Insert Personalized Data" dropdown below the Message body, or by typing the replacement manually when editing invitations and reminders. Each column label is wrapped with % characters to indicate a replacement.

email %email%
preferred_name %preferred_name%


All email campaigns start with an invitation, which serves as the initial contact all recipients in a campaign's data will get. Invitations may be either scheduled to send on a particular date and time, or set to be sent manually at your discretion.

To add an invitation, you must also verify the sender email address (required before we will send email out as whichever sender you specify).


You may add reminders after an invitation has been created. Similar to invitations, reminders may be schedule to send on a particular date and time, or be sent manually at your discretion.

You must also use a verified sender email address before reminders will be sent out.

Managing recipients

It is possible to insert additional recipients to a campaign before or after the first invitation emails have been sent out.

This can be done in a number of ways by selecting the campaign menu on the top-right of a campaign.

Campaign menu

1. Quick Add Recipients

This option allows you to add recipients by email only.

Quick Add Recipient

2. Quick Add Single Recipient

This option allows you to add a recipient including any additional data such as 'firstname', 'lastname' etc. This mainly applies when a CSV/XLS file was used to add recipients.

Quick Add Single Recipient

3. Append Recipient List

This option allows you to upload an additional CSV/XLS file with the same column format as before.

Append Recipient List

Replace Recipient List

If no invitations have yet been sent out, it is possible to replace your current recipient list by uploading a new CSV/XLS file.

Replace Recipient List