Direct survey link

Direct Link

Under the Distribute section of the survey menu, you can click on the Sharing section to find the Direct Link options. Link distribution comes in two forms, the full domain, or the shortened domain (usually used for social media).

You may also optionall generate the links with a source code, which can help you track which respondents came from where very easily.

Quick Email

If you'd like to send someone an email directly to take the survey, you can do so using the Quick Email section.  Specify a To Email and a Subject, then specify a message (which must include a survey link), to quickly and easily send someone an email invitation to take your survey.

If you want to insert additional survey links, click on the Insert Survey Link button at the bottom-left of the Message box. You can preview your message before you send it by clicking on the Preview Invitation button at the bottom-right corner of the Message box.