More lyrics!
The lyrics captivate the reader. It will be very interesting for him to find out how you got to such a life, how beautiful the sunset is in your small homeland, how wonderful it is that you came to Zlatoglavaya, how you enjoyed the ringing of bells before taking up a feather. More ancient epithets, more metaphors, and comparisons - this will certainly be appreciated. If they figure it out.

The larger the entry, the better
Be sure to tell the reader about your life, about who your parents, grandparents were, and what pushed you to the topic of the essay. The introduction, occupying a half-text, will certainly intrigue the reader.

Do not specify anything. Common words - yours!
And in general, you need more water and stamps. Talk about how important it is that you went to study specifically as a teacher, translator, engineer, manager, what a wonderful place your university, office or city is in, how great it is if wars end all over the world. Ask to write about what you would like to change in your university? Be sure to tell us about teacher training and salary growth, a new repair or deepening of the curriculum. Do not give specific names or facts.

More facts!
You do not know how to make an elephant from a pug? Go from the opposite - fill the essay with facts. Surnames, dates, names of studies, their results, city, and world news - everything will work. Your reader will certainly be amazed at your erudition and ability to work with information. Also, look at creative writing examples it definetly will give you great ideas. Make short conclusions - you write for academics who themselves can find logic and summarize.

The longer the sentences, the smarter the author looks.
Remember the classics and their sentences from half a page? After all, you can do that too - the syntax went through the school, and it’s not difficult to use the participial and adverbial sentences after a little practice. Use as many clever and simply long words as possible, build large and verbose sentences. So you will be very smart in the eyes of the reader. The reader is simply scared after the first paragraph and closes your essay, disappointed in their intelligence.

Never, under any circumstances, reread your text.
Chukchi is not a writer, Chukchi is a reader. You didn’t write for yourself, but for others, so let these others read your essay and admire your talent. It doesn’t matter how many “fleas” the reader catches in your text, and how logical the presentation will seem to him. You are a talent who does not need proofreading and editing. And the point.

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