Our dearest alumnus/alumna, welcome back! The Department of Textile Engineering at NED University of Engineering and Technology reopens its arms to you, and looks forward to growing better with your help and support. While we tried to make our time together most fruitful, we would like to know your opinion, now that you have moved on. Your input will be of great use to improve the quality of our undergraduate program and enhance the credibility of our department.
Department of Textile Engineering, NED University of Engineering & Technology Karachi, would like to thank you for your willingness in spending time to complete this questionnaire. All these input and suggestion will be used to perform the process of Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) for our undergraduate program to ensure that the program meet the current market needs.
You may also visit the departmental website at for more details.
Perform an evaluation on the statements and/or achievements of the Program Educational Objectives as listed below. The Program Educational Objectives are statements describing features which should be achieved by graduates after four (04) years of completion of study from the Department of Textile Engineering @ Faculty of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering and eventually work as engineers. Please respond on a scale of 1-5. Response to these questions is mandatory.
5 : Excellent 4: Good 3: Moderate 2: Weak 1: Very Weak