How Can Dog Toys Help You The Best In Training Your Dog?

Dog toys are probably the most popular toy for a dog. If you're a new owner or just looking to get some new toys for your pup, there are many different types of toys out there to choose from. The kind of toy you buy is some sort of up to you and your dog’s preferences. Many different types of "doggy goods" can help train them, such as clickers and pheromone sprays. However, dog toys are the best!

dog toys

Dogs can play rough - it is in their nature! But if a stuffed SpongeBob or Barney gets chomped on too hard (or worse chewed) by your dog, they can become dangerous. The concern with plush toys is they might rip open... Some dogs like to unstuff their toys over time- with this comes the possible ingestion of all those treats you stuffed inside (or worse: squeakers!). Be sure to buy a quality toy because it will last longer than one that's not built for rough play! Keep an eye on how much your dog plays with his plush toy, as constant chewing can lead to gastrointestinal damage.

Squeaky plush toys are some of the most common (thanks in part to children's shows) and are fun for every dog to have at least one! It's usually a good idea to get your dog used to squeakers before you bring his new toy home. Put it on the ground or behind a door and introduce your dog, but don't make a big deal out of it; dogs can be terrified by this at first. Once he gets over that hump, you're all set! Just make sure you supervise him when playing with these because they can be ripped open easily (like I mentioned above)!

Rope toys are great for fido - they help clean their teeth while tugging away at the cloth and help exercise the dog’s jaws. They're great for tug of war and fetch, but because they are ropes, there can be a choking hazard if your pup tries to swallow it or get it caught in his teeth. Rope toys need close supervision during play as well as many do not have knots between every chomp that Fido might make. Be sure to buy quality rope toys so that they last longer than 5 minutes!

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