
Hey there! This survey is all about how you love/hate BFB characters. If you don't know what BFB is or haven't watched, don't take this survey yet and watch all BFB episodes right here: https://bit.ly/2S8DZ59

If you know and have watched all of them, please take this survey so I can know if you love or hate each character. There will be 8 parts, each part consists of 8 random contestants. This is the 3rd part. Without any further ado, let's go! 

Note: I recorded people who quit answering this survey. This is not good. Please, I'm begging you, it only has 8 questions and only lasts 2 to 5 minutes.

BFB is made by jacknjellify.

Channel:  https://bit.ly/2MCZNmJ

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