Choosing your security options

Found under Settings in the survey menu are the Security options.

You may optionally reset all blocking here by clicking on the Reset Blocking button.

Basic restrictions

Cookie blocking
Use cookies to block respondents from submitting multiple responses through the same browser.

IP blocking
Use respondent IP addresses to restrict multiple responses. NOTE: Do not use this option if you may be respondents accessing the internet from the same connection (or often same company).

Email blocking
All respondents will be required to verify their email address before being allowed to take a survey.

Bot challenge
Each respondent will be prompted to enter a CAPTCHA code before they may take the survey.

Advanced restrictions

Referrer restriction
You can require that all voters must come from a domain of your choice to be allowed to vote.

Subnet IP restriction
You can also restrict who can take the survey based on IP subnets.

Subnet restriction can be useful if you are deploying the survey to a specific company, and know in advance that all valid respondents will be coming from a specific IP range or multiple specific IP ranges. Alternatively, if you wish to block out specific groups of IP addresses which you know to be malicious (or that you potentially just don't want responses from).