Customizing themes


You can edit any custom themes you've created, copied or imported, by clicking on the Edit button (pencil icon) located in the bottom title bar of each custom theme snapshot.


The visual theme builder allows you to custom most components of your survey very easily, by simply making changes in the left panel, and reviewing them immediately in the right panel (a preview of your survey using the theme you're working on).

You can change colour in your survey in the Colors section in the left panel. Supported colours are as follows:

Background The background colour of your theme.
Body text The general colour of all text in your theme.
Muted A shade used to display question inputs and disabled inputs.
Headings The colour of your heading elements.
Highlight The colour that highlights your choices and question numbers.
Error The error highlight colour, used as a background when an error occurs.
Error text The colour of the text that appears in an error alert.


You can optionally add a logo of your choice, which will appear at the top of your survey on every page. You can specify a width, or let it be displayed automatically, and align it to the left, center or right as required.


You can also change the background of your theme under the Background section. Backgrounds may be set to cover (stretch) the whole background, or repeat themselves indefinitely.

Further customization is possible with knowledge of CSS through the Custom HTML section of the theme builder.

Custom HTML

If you are familiar with HTML and CSS, you can edit the content that shows up immediately before and after the main survey content, inserting CSS of your choice, or 3rd party scripts, etc.