General settings overview

The General Settings hold a variety of survey-wide settings.

The name of your survey.

Public title
The title of your survey displayed to respondents (the Name field is used if unspecified).

Specify a timezone for which all dates in your survey will be displayed.

Redirect URL
Respondents may be sent to a custom website destination after completing your survey.

Force anonymous
Do not track any identifying information about respondents, keeping them anonymous.

Right-to-Left direction
Use Right-to-Left direction for your survey text and elements.

Manually open or close your survey, if you need the fine tuned control.

Closing options
Specify that the survey will close after a specific date, or after a maximum number of responses.

Reset responses
Clears all responses submitted to the survey. Warning: Do not use this unless you are sure you no longer require any of the data you've collected.


Share description
A brief description of your survey that will show up in the share panel on Facebook.

Share image
An image that will show up along with the share description when shared on Facebook.